
Dana Murphy
Chicago IL, USA

Dana (she/they) is a white-bodied, queer, resource-privileged, Leo Sun/Capricorn Rising/Scorpio Moon, thirty-something, non-binary woman (yes both, and!), theatre educator, movement artist, and grief doula in progress! They are passionate about fostering collective care, radical imagination, embodied relationship, and creative connection in her work. They love tending to plants, tending to fires, tending to friendships, tending to thresholds, exuberantly adorning, effusively affirming, weight sharing, transmuting, DANCING YOUR FEELS, redistributing wealth, holding two truths at once, yummy choreo in straight lines, yummy harmonies in close resonance, and singing/sharing/making in circles with other humans! She is curious about what education looks like without gatekeeping or policing and how to create art responsibly and joyfully inside of / in resistance to racialized capitalist colonial hetero patriarchy.